Chapter One :Chapter 1


I know that you might not believe me but I want you to know that this is my real life story....well not actually my story but it ended up being mine so I might as well accept it as mine cause there's no way I can go back no matter how much I try. So if you don't believe me, you can as well stop reading....... seeing as you aren't gonna stop, don't say that I didn't warn you. Now let's have a quick flashback.


My name Rose Richards, a sixteen years old Canadian girl who is an intern in KS designing Enterprise. Today was one of those stressful and hectic day, I woke up by 5:30am, had a quick bath, rushed my breakfast and grabbed a cup of cappuccino from Starbucks on my way. On arrival at the office, I immediately got to work, doing my boss's work for extra credit and points. I try my best to be the perfect intern but my boss doesn't seem to notice or acknowledge what I do.

At 6pm, I literally ran off from work very tired and exhausted. I settled on a sofa with my phone, going through the latest gossip, almost asleep when the sound of my phone ringing woke me up. According to the caller's ID, it was my best friend Nessa.

"Hey babe, hope you are almost ready for tonight?" Nessa's melodious voice filled my ear as I accepted the call.

Tonight? What's happening tonight? My brain was too woozy to recollect.

"Hope you didn't forget about the plan for you to get loosen up a bit, hashtag feminism?, You're sixteen years for goodness sake and you've not even had your first real kiss, we're going clubbing tonight Ro!!!!!".

"Oops, I'm sorry Nessa, I totally forgot". Believe me when I say that Nessa might have a loose character but she's the best person in the world.

"Make sure not to wear those outfit that makes you look all innocent with an untouchable aura around you, much preferably, wear a off shoulder crop top, a mini skirt and a slut heels ".

"Yes boss lady" I replied sarcastically.

"I'll be there in two hours" She said as she ended the call. That gives me an hour complete the novel I've been engrossed in all week.

The novel was about a young,shy, naive, innocent, calm young lady named Ryella who was being cheated upon by her fiance and step sister who were having an affair behind her back, and also her father who despises her for no obvious reason. Due to 'bad luck', she stumbled upon some dirty secrets and informations that wasn't supposed to be known by another, her life was constantly in danger as she was a target by the people involved. In one of their numerous encounters, an important enterprise was burnt down all evidence was framed and she was tagged an arsonist and an immoral woman. Due to her fight for survival and trying to clear her name, her reputation is ruined. In the end, she committed suicide.

"Aish! How can the novel end this way?!!, It's horrible!". She steps out of the bathtub after soaking in it for about an hour. She quickly got dressed according to Nessa's imaginative description. She walked around, trying to get used to the heels and dashed into her bathroom to check her makeup.

She did not notice the spilled water on the tiled floor while dashing around until she felt herself tripping and flying in the air for a brief second before hitting her head on the edge of the bathtub, laying on the tiled floor. She couldn't react as her consciousness was fading away.

Present Day

She slowly sat up, opening her eyes to view her surroundings, a dull looking room. She found herself wearing a dull brown gown which she would never approve for anyone not to talk of wearing, she looked like a evil stepmother...but she wasn't wearing this when she tripped....she slipped and hit her head....where was she?!!!. She looked around frantically for any clue that might help. All of a sudden memories that didn't belong to her flooded her mind.

Apparently the owner of this body had taken her own life out of frustration and pain but in the very end she found out who was the cause of her woes and misfortune... Her stepsister. Her stepsister was the green snake who pretends and manages to fool everyone including her dad and fiance with her fake lotus act and looks which could best most actress.

Wait a moment... Rose raised one of her eyebrows, this matched with the novel she had read in her past life. "Now it seems this body has gone back to it's past but with a new soul". Rose smirked devilishly, she's gonna make everyone pay for what they did to the original owner of this body, they wouldn't know what hit them. "From now onwards,my name is Ryella, the legitimate daughter of the Kress family and the soon to be owner of the Kress Enterprise.

First thing, she needs to think like Nessa and change her wardrobe. Oh, how she missed her best friend, she hoped that this body had a best friend like her.